Saturday, February 28, 2009

Comment on the Denise Amber Lee website

It's so moving and wonderful the welcome the guys received out in California!

Since their return we have received many emails which, of course I am going to leave private. All express gratitude towards our guys! And it's we who should be expressing gratitude towards them! The people involved in 9-1-1 out in CA were so wonderful. The national representatives were wonderful. They just don't know what a boost of energy this has given us.
God bless them.

This comment was posted on the Denise Amber Lee website :

John P. Says

2/26/2009 I would like to commend you for the work you are doing. It must be very hard for you and your family to relive this tragedy over again. However, you have turned it around and made it something that will hopefully open the eyes of a lot of personnel within our Government and Law Enforcement Community. I personally had a chance to meet you and David at the CAL NENA 2009 Conference in San Diego CA. Your presentation really hit home. I am a Supervisor within a 9-1-1 Communications Center and will personally challenge my Dispatchers to do everything possible with their training and technology/equipment available to them, to make sure this does not happen. Thank you for the opportunity to hear of this tragic incident and can only hope and pray that your message of hope can only save more lives. Thank you again!